Thursday, January 12, 2006

Following Directions

Why is it following directions,no matter how small and mundane, is so difficult for some to do. In my little family of 4 it is my husband and his clone(which also happens to be the oldest child) that can't seem to get the concept through their heads at times. My husband loses his keys on a daily basis I am pretty sure. Now this is not due to the fact that we have a key holder RIGHT BESIDE THE DOOR! When he gets tired of losing his keys he moves on to mine and adds a twist.....his wallet. What is it they say about geniuses?? Anywho....The clone. He is 31/2 and I am hoping for the rest of his 3rd year to fly by. He is driving me slowly crazy. I wake up in the morning expecting a good day and then WHAMMO! I find about 15 things that he did while I was still in bed. I get up early, but not before the buttcrack of dawn, which is still later than he gets up. In the past he would get up and look at books or play and sing, which was ok by me.....NOW he is Mister Sneaky. He snakes around in stealth mode seeing what all he can get away with and for how long. I am asking you all there hope? Can I change the track I am on to the insane asylum before it is too late? Sarcasm, gentle reminders, screaming, kicking, doing it for them, letting them fix it all on their own, ignoring, post its.......none of these work by the way. So all comments need to be other devices that can be used. Or do I need to go ahead and make my reservations and get fitted for the jacket?


At January 12, 2006 2:29 PM, Blogger Kat said...

Two words: BABY GATE.

Keep him in his room til you get up. I'm thinking about blocking T in her room at night. She has been sneaking around in MY room instead of going to sleep at night!

At January 15, 2006 9:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, I'm a dork. I thought I couldn't comment here without an account but I just realized I can. duhh

At January 21, 2006 11:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Would you like the name of my strait jacket tailor?

When my son was 2, he was able to knock down baby gates, so I'd be happy to know they work for someone.

I caved and bought a video game... in a compromise, it's a V-tech V-smile (educational), and my now 6yo son will play it obsessively for as long as I'll let him. I'm lucky with my 4yo daughter. She likes to snuggle with me until I'm ready to get up. I can actually sleep until 8am now!


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