Friday, May 12, 2006

House cleaning!

I have so much to blog about and am not real sure where I am going to start and stop. This is going to be free style, willie nillie....whatever comes out comes out. Keep you hands and arms inside the vehicle, make sure you are buckled we go!

I came in second place on the voting I had you all do this week. I lost by 2 votes. It is ok though, I suppose. The anticipation was still fun. Thank you to all that voted and shame on you if you didn't! LOL!!

I plan on doing a random picture post sometime today or tomorrow, Lord willing, of the kitchen and gardening, my new picture in the living room, and anything else I deem important. I also am going to do a couple of posts on my older mini bubble's 4th birthday and the dilemma that was presented to Mr. Bubbles and myself.

My gardening is almost finished. We put in 2 new beds that are all mine. The previous owners of this home of ours started some things and did a pretty good job. I like having something that is all mine. All my creation and doing.... with the small assistance of Mr. Bubbles braun. The plants are in that I am going to put in this year, with the exception of some hens and chicks.

I am getting all caught up on the house cleaning part. I keep things in order, not an easy task with 2 mini bubbles and a Mr. Bubbles. The youngest mini bubbles loves to help by creating more messes. The oldest mini bubbles helps with the cleaning when he feels like it. He generally is a neat kid just doesn't like keeping up with the pick up. Mr. Bubbles, well I don't know his deal. He can be helpful, but not all the time. Kat makes fun of how I clean things. I think she says I am a cross between Monica off of Friends and Bree off of Desperate Housewives. Both great shows and I just don't see that there is anything wrong with the way they keep things. LOL!

I wanted to remind you all to give your mothers a call this weekend...if you can't see them. It is Mother's Day on Sunday. Not that the retail stores would allow you to forget it. I don't like all of the commercialization they place on "holidays". Some of the sweetest gifts I have ever gotten were from the boys picking flowers out of the yard and bringing them to me with a big ole grin on their face. Corn flowers, dandelions, clover, and wild violets make a beautiful arrangement. So be sure to call up mom and tell her you love her. For those of you that can't do that any longer due to extenuating circumstances....find another lady and tell her. You will make her day. A strangers kind words when the kids are screaming in the middle of Walmart for reasons unknown make all the difference in the world to that mother. I know, the youngest mini bubbles likes to scream at times. Not angry or showing out...just screaming. I get the looks of disgust and bother all the time when he does that but then there are the looks of understanding. I love those looks. So be kind and dad's your day is coming.


At May 12, 2006 9:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

House cleaning Hmmmmmmmmmm (sigh)

I just LOVE a clean house but with kids and yes mine are much older than your it still a battle that never ends.

Have a WONDERFUL mothers day!

At May 12, 2006 12:08 PM, Blogger Chris said...

Bubbles, I think I love your rambling posts most of all. You must be a blast to talk to. ;)

At May 12, 2006 12:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The housework never ends. It's a constant cycle. I'm sick of it! OOH I love gardening. I miss having a garden. I had one back in Oklahoma.

I told my 14 year old, as soon as he's old enough, he's going to work! I can't afford to feed him. LOL My other one is 10. So it will be a little longer for him. haha Oh guess what? My hubby is transporting that AWOL guy north of Seattle today to pick up his vehicle. Bill said his boss told him that if the guy tried ANYTHING, he had permission to kick his a$$!!! hahaha He kinda hopes he tries something. ;)

At May 12, 2006 12:49 PM, Blogger Kat said...

Oh yeah, I need to go put those hens and chicks in a little pot for you. Is this your way of reminding me??

And you are more Breelike than Monicaish. (Monica was too bossy about it.)

At May 12, 2006 5:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you know I get compared to Monika and Bree too?? hehe. I am ALWYAS cleaning something, or planning to clean something. But I am anal to the point where I am more like Monika (eek!).

And I agree with the mothersday things. My daughters babysitter got all the kids to make a poster with their picture on it, a really sweet poem (which I will ost on Sunday) and their hand prints. It was SO perfect and cost next to nothing.

At May 14, 2006 9:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy mothers day Amber!

At May 14, 2006 10:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy mother's day, Amber!


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