Tuesday, May 02, 2006

a loop hole?

Several months back I decided to join the national do not call list. I was tired of being interrupted through out my day to answer solicitation calls. The calls generally came right as I got the mini bubbles down for their naps and inevitably the ring would arouse them....nosey little buggers. HA! So I jumped on the wagon and did as millions of others have done. I love it. I do not get those stupid calls from humans or computers any longer... until recently. I think I found a loop hole. A huge one if you ask me.

City Elections are coming up. I know this because of multiple clues. The most obvious are those tacky little signs littering peoples yards with names plastered all over them. I don't know who the electees are and I know the signs come down the night of the election...or when the results are in or something like that. I believe that is a city ordinance. Then it is on the news how so and so was at this place camping for the blah de blah.

Here is the loop hole I found. It is the other clue. Recording phone calls. Yes the loop hole is huge for city elections. They apparently do not have to abide by the NATIONAL DO NOT CALL LIST! Why? I know some of you are good American citizens and vote for everything, other than the presidential election....as I do. So please fill me in on why they are allowed to call with their stupid little recordings during nap time and harass SAHM(stay at home mom) and retirees and I suppose that there are a few SAHD(stay at home dad). I don't care if they are republican, democrat, independent, on the fence....I do not want to be bombarded at home by campaigning. I can turn the channel if the campaign is a commercial. I can listen if I want to. I can pretend that I don't see the signs on the road, or not. But please stop calling me. I have enough noise in my life and when I get it quiet I resent whoever is on the other end of the phone when it is interrupted. I feel this is only natural. It does not mean that I do not want to talk to that person but the shrill ring sets my nerves on edge when I am in the serenity of nap time. Then when I answer the shrill ring as quickly as possible and it is a recording for so and so I want to smash so and so's fingers with a hammer one at a time, one for each ring of the phone. I know I know.... a little on the dramatic side I suppose. It isn't like I would actually do it.

So this is the loop hole I was speaking of. Have any of you had this same problem or am I just one of the lucky ones? Am I being unreasonable for not wanting to be blasted by campaign items if I so choose, in the sanctuary of my home?


At May 02, 2006 9:43 AM, Blogger Kat said...

I still get the odd call for hubs, even though the phone number is in my name now. I tell them he doesn't live here! I tried telling them we were on the no call list, but they hung up too fast.

At May 02, 2006 10:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep, it's a loop hole alright. What I have started doing at nap time (and dinner time, and bedtime...) is turing off the ringer, and turning the answering machine volume as low possible. That way, all that is audible is our outgoing message (for some reason the volume does not lower on that), but not the ringing or the incoming message left.

Now if I could just figure out how to stop the teenager who knocked on our door at 8PM last week trying sell candybars for school...

At May 02, 2006 11:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, we don't have that national do not call thing (at least I have never heard of it)... but if i were to subscribe I would be really pissed, just as you are. I wouldn't want just anyone to call... that's why you join.

At May 02, 2006 1:18 PM, Blogger Breazy said...

I haven't had the campaign calls but I do every once in a while still get the telemarkerters and I just hang up .

At May 02, 2006 4:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

even if you are on the do not call list and I am, it is my understanding they have 3 chances to call you before being punished.

Secondly..our thoughtful politicians will pass laws to protect us from everyone but THEM.

At May 03, 2006 8:40 AM, Blogger Chris said...

Yeah, I've been on the do not call list for a while, and they still call, even the telemarketers. I'm thinking all that list does is give more telemarketers my number.

At May 04, 2006 9:24 PM, Blogger Sam said...

They do it to me, too. Buttholes.


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