Wednesday, February 15, 2006


Alright, as promised the answers. You asked them so I am gonna answer them. Please continue to ask questions I just don't want to get behind. In no particular order.....

I am nicknamed Bubbles for several different reasons. I am a morning person and am happiest in the early hours. It started when I was a freshman. There was an anti-drug campaign that I was chosen to do. I had to dress as a clown....full makeup, costume, the works. We also had to come up with a name for our character. I love to blow bubbles so it was suggested that be my name and schtick. Later that year we were on a school trip, Washington, D.C. A teacher noticed my smiles and my good mood. She commented on how bubbly I was compared to all the others who were barely moving. Someone piped up and asked" Why do you think we call her Bubbles?" It stuck after that. I thought I had finally gotten rid of it until Kat decided that I needed the name again.

I have known Kat....ummmm......a long time. We entered the same family 10 years ago. She and the now Mr. Kat moved around a lot due to his job. While Mr. Bubbles and I were still in school. I am trying to be careful as to not give away her age. You know mine! LOL! Mr. Kat and Mr. Bubbles(not the bath product) are brothers. Kat and I started our friendship about 8 years ago when I and the Mr. went for a visit. We rediscovered the friendship about 3 or 4 years ago when she and her Mr. moved back to Tennessee.

Lies make the maddest. I do not like being deceived or played. I am very intelligent.... more so than I admit to...and I usually know when something stinks in the state of Denmark. I know the truth hurts sometimes but not nearly as much as being lied to. Be straight...I am. I am also good with words and I know how to soften the blow of the truth......unless of course I am mad and it really is best if you take cover...ask Kat for verification! LOL!

I don't know if I have just one favorite color. Hence the multiple colors on my site. I guess different moods call for different colors. I have noticed I am partial to bright happy colors. Not the subdued colors. There are times I like the subdued ones....just not very often. (Is this telling you anything about my personality??)

I admire a lot of people for different reasons. I am of the belief that everyone has an admirable quality about them. I try to look for that and praise it. It is really difficult at times but I am strong willed and determined. I have been called naive before, maybe I am maybe I'm not.

My favorite thing about Mr. Bubbles is......him. We are a lot alike in some ways and polar opposites in others. He gets me....most of the time. To sound cheesy....he completes me. You have to have or have had our kind of love to understand the difficulty and complexity of the answer. I am very passionate when I think of him and try to put into words what we have and I think that it always comes out sounding mushy. I love him and am still in love with him.

Alright. Well there you have up until this point. I am going to be emailing Breazy's question to her....for my safety and my families. Keep the questions rolling in. I hope that this gives you a little insight to who I am.


At February 15, 2006 10:51 AM, Blogger truckdriver_sefl said...

I am and always have loved lots of bright colors:-} As for my fav time of the day well it used to be afternoons around 6pm when it was time to get off work but now that I have a job I love and drive over night its like 3am:-}

At February 15, 2006 12:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love the new look. I had to do a double take, though, because I just started using Firefox, and have noticed a rather marked difference in some sites. Since I knew there couldn't be *that* much difference, I had to scroll down to see if you'd made a new template. It's really nice.

Ah yes, lying. It drives me up the wall too. The lying issue is the thing that gets my son into the most trouble. In fact, there are plenty of times where he wouldn't even have gotten in trouble if he hadn't lied to try to stay out of trouble! (Have I confused you yet?)

At February 15, 2006 1:29 PM, Blogger Chris said...

I am in awe of how in love you are with your husband. I think it is inspiring and very very sweet. Keep sharing, no matter how mushy. Sometimes we all need a little mushy.

Okay. That last sentence doesn't look right at all, but you get what I mean. :)

At February 15, 2006 2:55 PM, Blogger Breazy said...

Really good answers Bubbles !

At February 15, 2006 4:36 PM, Blogger Kat said...

You forgot to mention how extra bubbly you get on caffine.

At February 17, 2006 1:07 PM, Blogger Sar said...

I didn't know you & Kat were SIL's! How very cool. It was nice reading & learning more about you in this post.


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