Monday, September 18, 2006

Hello Hello

I know you all came to see Happy Monday....and that is at the end of the post. I wanted to give an update on my life. Been awhile don't you think? And since I am such an interesting specimen of a human being you all have been deprived.

August 24 was Mr. Bubbles birthday. I may have mentioned that but I am pretty sure I haven't mentioned that was also the day my transmission on my SUV decided to quit working. Oh yes! It was great fun. I was making a dreaded Walmart run to pick up a few things for the Bubbles' family to celebrate the birthday and then BLAMMO! Stopped changing gears. No warning, no missing gears, no difficulty changing gears, no warning light, just stopped changing gears as I am driving down a major 4 lane road to Walmart. Did I mention BOTH mini bubbles were buckled up in the back? Did I mention that it was a MAJOR road at a BUSY time of day(start of rush hour)? Did I mention how fun it was? Well the last part wasn't so much. I slammed on my emergency lights and coasted into a gas station after changing lanes. It was kinda neat to see everyone behind me swerve to the opposite lane to get around me and then swerve to the original lane when they saw I was trying to get off the road and warning them by my blinker. Did anyone stop to help? NO! Once I was parked safely in the lot I got out and popped the hood....pretending I knew what I was looking for. I know an elementary way around the engine. I don't know why I know this....It just kinda comes easy for me. I do not know, however, where to look for the gear changer...other than I know you have to pull out the engine to do so. There was a man to come up and ask if I need help. To save him embarrassment I feigned ignorance and let him look and tell me his opinion. I knew what was wrong but maybe I missed something. No help there....after I called Mr. Bubbles to tell him the great news, he came and got us and I have been with out a mode of transportation ever since. HOPEFULLY we get it back tonight, but I am not holding my breath. They have told me 3 different dates that I would get it. The transmission is rebuilt and back in but when the guy test drove it something was wrong with the bans....or bands...or something like that. I don't know what those are or why the are important but I trust this man....he is retired from the dealership that makes my SUV. I am not posting what it is because I don't' like to hear car brand is no better than the other to me and "That's all I have to say about that" to quote Forrest Gump.

I am going to do 2 separate posts on 2 Saturdays back. They were big events. The first was my oldest mini bubble's 1st soccer game! It was fun to watch. The second post is going to be about my second mini bubbles' 2nd birthday party! More fun. Yes there are going to be pics on both. One other post that is bumping around in my head is of this past weekend. What fun!

Okay without further ado, here is Happy Monday! Have a great rest of the week and live each day to the fullest!

One day Mickey Mouse woke up and Minnie wasn't there. He went to look for her and, as he stepped outside, he saw “Mickey sucks” written in a yellow liquid in the snow. He investigated and realized there was good news and bad news: it was Goofy's urine, but Minnie's handwriting.


At September 18, 2006 11:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I HATE car trouble just hate it! It is NEVER just a simple fix!


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