Wednesday, March 08, 2006

10 years and still strong

Today marks the 10 year annivesary of my first date with Mr. Bubbles. I told you all that already though. Ok let me see where did I leave you yesterday? Ahh yes the dinner and movie. The movie by the way is excellent and I would recommend it to anyone....not just for sentimental reasons either. To remind you it was Mr. Holland's Opus.

As great as my new found boyfriend was tragedy struck my family. My Grandma, my best friend in the whole world, died in June of that year. I was devastated. Mr. Bubbles was there through it all. The tears, the sadness, the anger, the depression. He was there. I was lucky though, before she was unable to talk or even recognize who we all were, she and I had a good heart to heart, our last most likely. Unfortunately I do not remember everything that was said but the one thing that stuck with me was important to my story. She took me by the hands and said " This boy you have here, do you really like him?" "Yes I think so, but it has only been a month or so Grandma." "Well I think he's a keeper. You seem very happy. Think about it long and hard for me ok?" "OK. " "Yes I think he's a keeper and compliments you rather well."

She must have seen it there in here last few months of life that I would have come to see in years to come. Shortly after her funeral Mom and Dad took my brother and I on a three week vacation out west. It was nice to get away but I missed Mr. Bubbles so very much. I just knew that when I got back he would have found someone else. He didn't though. He waited. I was so happy when I got back and got to see him again. We have been virtually inseparable ever since.

A little more of the story for all of you out there. A little more insight to my love story. Grandma was right. He was a keeper!


At March 08, 2006 9:51 PM, Blogger Breazy said...

it seems at the time that grandmothers tell us things we don't listen or believe but down the road we see that they were right all along !

At March 09, 2006 1:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting. Incidentally, I guess this marks 10 years since my breakup with my last girlfriend. I'm happily married now, but your post reminded me that Mr Holland's Opus was the movie that my ex- girlfriend saw with her mom when she and I had just broken up.

So one couple's ending was another couple's beginning.

Nice blog. Have a nice day. (Tennessee here, too.)

At March 09, 2006 10:07 PM, Blogger Chris said...

First, I loved Mr. Holland's Opus.

Second, I love your love stories about your husband. The interweblogosphere is full of "my husband/wife/life-partner is a jackass" stories, so it is wonderful to see someone so unashamedly in love with their spouse.


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