Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Movies and chaos!

Mr. Bubbles and I decided to take the mini bubbles out to the movies to see the movie Cars. Yes, yes I know that the movie has been out a while but it is now on at the dollar theater here in town and is more in our budget. Moving on. As usual we made a big deal out of how this was something special and a treat for all of us. The youngest mini bubble was particularly excited about this movie. He LOVES motor vehicles. The oldest was excited for different reasons, it has been a while since we've been to the theater.

moving on. We take the boys to an early lunch after the oldest soccer game. Lunch over we head on over to the theater, get the tickets, and wait our turn in line for the popcorn. As we are waiting for the guy to take tickets he comes around the corner on his cell phone. Doesn't acknowledge anyone in line and keeps talking. A small little body in front of us tugs on his pant leg and hands him her ticket. He takes and just points to the door. WHAT IN THE WORLD?!!! Get OFF the phone! How rude! OK OK OK calm down now and just enjoy the movie.

We approach the designated room and people are standing in the back. NO room. Sold out and sold too many tickets! We weren't late and actually early. What happens now? Off we go to find the moron on the phone....did I just call him a moron? He looks at all of us and says " Uhhhhhhh I dunno just go find another movie to watch". URGH! Well we didn't buy tickets to see another movie we bought Cars tickets and besides the other movies have already started like 20 minutes ago.

Mr. Bubbles and I explain it to the boys that the theater messed up and we are going to watch the rest of Over the Hedge and then come back to see Cars. The oldest bubble, ever so astute, asks...."well we aren't going to have to pay again are we?" HA! "No son we aren't. They are letting us watch 2 movies for the price of one."

After most of the day spent in a dark movie theater we finally got to see the movie that was intended. The boys loved it...although the youngest didn't make it all the way through it....he napped towards the end.

An update....I still don't have my SUV...that's right folks....I have been without for a little over a month now. How am I doing it? How AM I doing it? A day at a time I suppose. What else can I do?


At September 27, 2006 4:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sounds like an exasperating day!!!

What have you been driving??

At September 28, 2006 8:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow I just hate when things like that happen. It kinda takes some of the fun out of it. It does seem like you handeled it very well though.

At September 28, 2006 8:47 AM, Blogger Kat said...

There are reasons I don't go to that theater anymore. Although your expierence is way worse than any of mine, I just think it's icky.

Wasn't Over the Hedge funny as hell??

At September 28, 2006 8:49 AM, Blogger Kat said...

btw, isn't that the same theater you were at when you locked your boys in the car with the keys in the ignition?

time to find a new theater. ;)

At October 05, 2006 11:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

At least you didn't have to see Barnyard...yeah, it sucks! The boy cows have udders. UDDERS! But, there are still bulls in the movie, too.

Tranny cows, tranny cows! In a kids movie!


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