Friday, June 16, 2006

Happy Father's Day!

To all the men out there who are father's, were father's, or going to be father's.....Happy Father's Day. The life of parenthood is never an easy road. But it is a road traveled by many. I always loved and appreciated my parents and the sacrifices they made but never fully understood them until I had two of my own. They are a blessing, my parents and children.

A father takes control of the family....even if pushed by the mother. He is the provider and guider. He is also the playmate....Especially when boys are part of the family dynamic. Mr. Bubbles is a wonderful father and husband. He goes to work and then comes home and works a little more....Giving me a break from the mini bubbles. LOL! Although I do say his work is the easy part because it is playtime. He changes and has changed diapers on both of them. Bath time isn't a strange land to him either, nor is bedtime and the bedtime rituals. He does like to cheat from time to time and says "They tricked me!" It's a game and I know it. I still love him and love him a little more every time I see him interact with them.

My dad. He is not of the school of changing diapers or giving baths. That is ok though because he loves us in different ways. There are two children in my family. I being the oldest and my brother....he is not a bubble. We are like night and day in many many MANY ways. LOL! I am a daddies girl, I was growing up and still am. Where my husband says "They tricked me!" , my dad would say "She said Daddy" or "Well he's a boy." LOL! My mom would always roll her eyes, just like I do now. Those two taught me a lot along the way, what to do and what not to do. They love and respect each other and sometimes they agree to disagree.

This post is a bit scattered and maybe not well put together but the love I have for my father and husband is hard to describe. I know I have complained to Kat on some occasions about one or the others behavior and how it is driving me crazy but I don't think that she worries because she can see that it will blow over and we all will be ok because of that love and respect. At least I hope she can. I love my Momma too but this is supposed to be a post about fathers....LOL!

So here's to all you dad's out there. Sit back, kick up your feet, and enjoy the all already do that...haha!! Seriously.... have a fantabulash weekend!


At June 16, 2006 1:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hehe.. i like that last bit. Happy fathers day to Mr'Bubbles :)

At June 16, 2006 10:33 PM, Blogger Kat said...

Your dad cracks me up. They don't make them like that anymore.

At June 17, 2006 10:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love this post!

At June 17, 2006 1:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking as a father of two, thanks for the kind words. On mothers day, I made a nice post with a picture of flowers on my blog, as a tribute to mothers. But my brothers said I sounded like a fairy so I deleted it. The spirit was willing but the flesh was weak.


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