Tuesday, March 21, 2006

oil change and a chart

Last week I went to get the oil changed in the SUV. I hate this little chore because of the way I am treated when I go. Here is a prime example of what I am talking about.

I walk into the shop and naturally there are only men. This doesn't really bother me. The boys were at home with Mr. Bubbles, so it was just me. I give the instuctions on what I want done and have a seat. There are 3 other men waiting on their respective vehicles. A few moments later a guy comes in with a piece of paper in his hand. He sits down beside me and shows me the paper. It is a Mickey Mouse version of an suv/car/truck. He proceeds to tell what all "needs to be done to get my suv in proper working order". GRRRR! Of course if I did all he wanted I would have left there about $200-$300 poorer. When he was finished I told him what to do(again) and wait. A few moments later he comes back with my air filter and tries to scare me into buying another one....I had just had it replaced the last oil change. It didn't need it.I have swept up more dirt out of my kitchen floor than what was on that filter. Again I send him away. One last time he makes a plea to buy something else and one last time I sent him away. Meanwhile the other 3 gentlemen that were in the waiting room with me were called up and told their total and what all the did and paid and left. No Mickey Mouse chart, no multiple trips, no air filters, nothing! That my friends makes me soooooooooo very mad. I like the doors being opened for me, I like my groceries being taken to the car, I like being talked to by men(even if it is a little flirty). I HATE being talked to like a moron by someone who changes oil for a living! Please do not misunderstand me. It is an honorable profession because I do not know exaclty how to change oil....but please don't degrade me and my intelligence by assuming I know nothing! It only makes YOU look stupid!

Ok I feel better now! I know this has happened to some of you out there so let me here it. Men I am sure you have your own little stories as well. Please tell me so I don't feel as bad.


At March 21, 2006 11:43 AM, Blogger truckdriver_sefl said...

I love this post!!!!!! I hate dealing with cars. EVERY time EVERY single time you take them to have something done they want to do more more more noooooooooooo!!!! Just do what I brought it in here for PLEASE??!!!!

At March 21, 2006 12:08 PM, Blogger Kat said...

I've an oil change explained to me before, it doesn't take a genius! lol

The place I go to isn't so bad about all that. They hand me a printout with a few things the "computer" says I should do, but they don't harass me about it or try to guilt me into it. Some things I have done, some things I don't. :)

At March 21, 2006 5:15 PM, Blogger GERBEN said...

OMG! I hate taking my car in for that exact same reason! Never fails. My husband takes his truck in for an oil change. They change his oil and he pays them their $35 bucks. I take my car in for the exact same oil change and you would think my car was falling apart underneath me! Those crooks try to take me for $100+ ever single time I go in for an oil change. They say it’s the air filter, the windshield wipers, the breaks, the tires. I JUST PUT TIRES ON THIS THING NOT 6,000 MILES AGO! I don’t need tires, but thanks for your concern. Jerks.

At March 21, 2006 6:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I did driving for a living, I was also responsible for the maintenance on our small fleet of 3 vehicles.
I found the best thing to do is to return to the same 15 minute place and continue going there.

You also have a paper trail of what was sold to you and when by the same people.

Since I spent alot of spare time sitting in the lobby and observing, it is standard practice for them to try to sell air filters, fuel filters, wiper blades, etc.
I'm a man and they did the same thing to me, so don't feel bad, much of it is company policy to sell more stuff.

I can't speak to the mickey mouse thing but all else is normal.

At March 21, 2006 7:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is pressure for any retail shop to sell, sell, sell, but they need to get their pitch out of the way on the front end, and then get down to business. I can't stand being talked down to... typically brings out my very bad side. :)

At March 22, 2006 8:25 AM, Blogger Breazy said...

okay Bubbles here is what I use to do when I would take my vehicle in for oil change . First and foremost , I would tell them what I wanted and that was all that I wanted , I also added that I have a regular mechanic who takes care of the other problems . You can do this nicely but if they come up with mickey mouse chart tell them that you will take the vehicle else where if they are incapable of doing what you asked . That seems to get them moving . You are basically telling them this " cut the bullshit and change my oil , that is all " . Trust me , after a couple times of you telling them they will not ask again . My husband changes the oil in my van now and I have a regular mechanic who keeps up with everything else .

At March 22, 2006 3:49 PM, Blogger Kelli said...

Oh my God..this is my biggest pet peeve..and I have been suckered before! Biggest lie ever told- "You need High Milage Oil" Didnt realize that was a crock until I had wasted $60.00.

I hate being taken advantage of. Now I go to the same place my dad goes and they know if they screw me over he will say something to them next time he is there.



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